Our company deals with jobs promotion in high risk areas (security, EOD, EMT, maritime security, logistics and others), using a network composed of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, with over 200,000 members (US, UK, Europe). We propose a collaboration for the promotion of vacancies that your company has, using our network. The prices are promotional and the quality of the offered services by our team is guaranteed.

The prices are as follows:

* 1 to 5 jobs – USD 300 / month;

* 5 to 20 jobs – USD 500 / month;

* Unlimited – USD 700 / month.

We also offer the possibility for jobs to be displayed on first position, for a limited period of time, as follows (in addition to the normal display):

1 to 3 jobs – USD 200 / month;

4 to 10 jobs – USD 500 / month.

If you are interested in our offer, please contact us, possibly with other package proposals. We will issue the invoice for the services provided.

    Best regards,

    SJWW Team,

    Website: https://jobs-security.com

    Email: helpdesk@jobs-security.com